Helping women feel like the best versions of themselves.
Redefining Women’s Health
Our hormones can often reflect other health issues and when we take a holistic viewpoint we can address the root cause of your symptoms. We view the body as a responsive system that strives for balance and when provided the right support with nutrition and natural treatments responds incredibly well.
We will utilize a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, labs, supplements, dietary and lifestyle recommendations to regulate and restore balance to the body. The combination of Chinese and functional medicine not only provides you with relief but initiates a sustainable change that benefit you through all reproductive stages.
○ Abnormal Sweating
○ Acne
○ Bloating
○ Breast Tenderness
○ Bowel Changes
○ Apetite Changes
○ Food Cravings
○ Painful Periods
○ No Periods
○ Spotting
○ Irregular Periods
○ Heavy Periods
○ Feeling Hot / Cold
○ Headaches
○ Low Back Pain
○ Ovulatory Pain
○ PMS Pain
○ Weight Gain
○ Fatigue
○ Irritability
○ Weepiness
○ Depression
These symptoms or conditions are not just aspects of being a woman, they are signs of hormonal imbalances that have solutions! Suffering through the days or weeks leading up to your period, the period itself or every day in between is no way to live. We can easily grow accustomed to these cyclical monthly symptoms and somehow teach ourselves to suffer through it all.
We want to help women understand what is happening with their bodies, achieve healthy periods, and feel like the best versions of themselves. As we move through the various reproductive stages of life, we can experience significant changes not only with our periods but all aspects of health. This can become frustrating, confusing and might feel like a constant challenge.
Conditions We Love to Treat
❀ Endometriosis
Working to decrease your pain and heavy periods, so you can be a healthy, happy lady and/or to support your fertility journey.
❀ Menstrual Disorders
Helping you achieve easy, painless, periods and beautiful, regular cycles without the ups and downs of PMS.
Minimizing your symptoms and regulating your cycles, for general health or to support your fertility journey.
"After being diagnosed with PCOS 3+ years ago, with hormone levels off the charts, I began trying to manage my hormones through endocrinologists for about 6 months with no true improvements. After becoming frustrated with the lack of progress and side effects of my medications, I met Marie. She has educated me immensely on my condition and how to manage it: through dietary changes, supplements, Chinese herbs, and acupuncture treatments. Not only have I noticed a drastic change in my physical symptoms, my hormone labs come back within normal ranges each year!! She is caring, thoughtful, and entirely dedicated to you and your well being.
My honest opinion: if any part of your reproductive system is bothering you, book an appointment at YinBloom."